Love Has Won Cult Kicked Off Kauai After Fleeing Crestone

Love Has Won cult leader Amy Carlson, who claims to be Jesus, was kicked off of Kauai after locals protested her cult for three days. Carlson yelled “I”m Pele” at the locals and her members claimed the protestors were practicing voodoo and witchcraft. Kauai Mayor Derek Kawakami spoke to the cult leaders and addressed the protestors.
September 7th, 2020
After several days of protesting, Kauai residents were able to force out a bizarre cult called Love Has Won. The group recently moved to a beach vacation rental in Wainiha after fleeing from Crestone, Colorado when they were exposed by the Guru Magazine. About 15 members had flown to Kauai and were in various phases of the mandatory 14-day quarantine.