Amma's Translator Describes Physical and Sexual Misconduct
Amma's translator of 13 years describes her physical and sexual misconduct.
Amma's translator of 13 years describes her physical and sexual misconduct.
How did Amma become revered as God? Meet the early disciples that built the movement.
The hugging saint known as Amma is accused of physical abuse, having sex with disciples and financial fraud.
A new series examines the rise and fall of Kundalini Yoga and one of it's modern celebrity gurus.
Secrets of Shambhala
Chogyam Trungpa’s most prized student replicates his troubled legacy. Students and staff accuse Reggie Ray of narcissistic abuse, sending students to solitary for punishment, coercing them to drink during meditation sessions, yelling at them, publicly tearing them down, utilizing spies, keeping blacklists, distancing students from family and more. PART
Secrets of Shambhala
Top secret texts reveal the cult-like inner workings of Shambhala Buddhism.
Hare Krishna
One of the most powerful and influential leaders in the Hare Krishna movement is an admitted child sexual abuser.
A new series Cult Rock from The Guru Magazine founder Be Scofield explores the intersection of cults and music. Did you know that the Bee Gees drummer left the group in 1972 to join a band dedicated to a cult? Or that George Harrison of the Beatles produced a band
Two suspicious deaths, "drug-fueled gang rapes," and women being choked unconscious are among the revelations of a new lawsuit against Swami Chetanananda. Carol Merchasin, one of the leading attorneys prosecuting spiritual abuses, is behind the lawsuit.
A dislocated jaw. Bloody scalps. Bruises. A torn ear. Violent shakings. Occult initiations. Broken marriages. These are just some of the abuses ex-followers allege by Sedona's Devra Patton West aka the Rishi.
* A cult living in an isolated desert commune in Tumacacori/Tubac, AZ near the border has raised alarm over its leaders UFO doomsday predictions and heavy use of indoctrination, surveillance and control. * The 120 members are required to turn over their homes, cars, money, businesses and possessions to the cult
Investigating Cults & Gurus
The bodycam footage of the fatal shooting of a Crestone man by a Saguache deputy is revealed
The Saguache Sheriff's Department known for the Love Has Won cult raid and the Kristal Reisinger case are under scrutiny over the shooting death of a 40-yr old resident and guitar expert. Be Scofield is a prominent cult reporter who exposed Love Has Won which led to the
People sought healing at an ayahuasca retreat in Florissant and it turned toxic.
A new lawsuit alleges Swami Satchidananda sexually abused numerous women while running Integral Yoga.
The founder of Ecstatic Dance in the Bay Area responds to his recent arrest and upheaval in the dance scene.
A twin flames cult in Ashland, Oregon has fleeced people out of millions. TwinRay claims to be divine messengers sent to save the world during the Golden Age prophecy.
Amy Poehler mentions the Love Has Won cult HBO documentary
A VICE documentary called "The Demon Slayer Academy" and their investigative article about the Modern Mystery School reveal the dark side of the spiritual group.
News reports have falsely linked celebs Shawn Mendes and Miley Cyrus to the Modern Mystery School cult.
In a recent podcast, Sam Tripoli says Jonestown members were killed by the government. His guest falsely claims the wife of James Earl Ray was found dead in Jonestown. Be Scofield is the author of the new book Hunting Lucifer: One Reporter's Search for Cults and Demons. Her
A new lawsuit lays out extensive abuses by Swami Muktananda, founder of Siddha Yoga, that were enabled by Gurumayi.
The wild true story of how I discovered the Love Has Won cult in June 2020 while visiting Crestone, Colorado.