Inside the Crestone Cult Raid that Led to a Deceased Body

Be Scofield is the author of the new book Hunting Lucifer: One Reporter's Search for Cults and Demons. Her cult reporting is mentioned in the NY Times, Rolling Stone, and People, and has been turned into HBO, Netflix, Dr. Phil, VICE, and more.
- This is an exclusive interview with Miguel Lamboy conducted shortly after he reported Amy Carlson's body to the police.
May 3rd, 2021
“Come see mother,” Jason Castillo told Miguel Lamboy as they walked into the Love Has Won cult’s house in Crestone. It was around 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28th. Miguel hadn’t seen Amy Carlson, aka “Mother God” in a few months. They made their way to the back near the kitchen and entered the bedroom. Miguel froze in complete shock. A decaying corpse wrapped in a colorful cloth was laying on the bed. He noticed dark gray skin and teeth protruding out of the mouth. “It was like something you see in the movies,” he told me during an interview. “Give her a hug,” Jason told him. Baffled, Miguel refused.
The woman whom Miguel had worked closely with since 2012 was dead. His hero. The one he claims cured him from stage 4 cancer. The woman he had helped build Love Has Won into a global spiritual movement. Mother God. She was gone. And Jason Castillo, Amy’s partner and co-leader of the group, was utterly oblivious to the fact of it.